Powers of a contract Security Officer Vs in-house security in virginia
What is an in-house security officer, and how are they different from contract security officers in Virginia?
In-house security personnel are strictly unarmed only. They can not carry or have access to a firearm while they are working. For example, the company "Walmart" has a security team (loss prevention) to police its store. And in some cases, they have contract security officers. However, their in-house security team cannot arrest or detain anyone by force. However, they can approach you and ask you to come back to their office if they observe you conceal tangible goods, but they can not force you or go hands-on unless they fear for their safety. Like anyone else, they have the right to defend themselves. If there is an incident with in-house security, that company will face any legal repercussions. Also, in-house security personnel are not bound by DCJS (Department of Criminal Justice Services) for training requirements.
There are two different types of contract Security Officers: Unarmed and Armed Security Officers:
Contract Security Personnel (Unarmed Security Officers) - are hired through a private security company business bound by DCJS regulations and training requirements and have very limited authority. The unarmed security role is to "observe and report only." Most companies have contract security personnel for insurance purposes and don’t have the resources or don’t want the headache of an "in-house security department". A lot of companies feel safer with a uniform presence in their building and not a lot of overhead to worry about with having contract security vs having an in-house security department.
Contract Security Personnel (Armed Security Officers) – They are hired through a private security company bound by DCJS regulations and training requirements and have limited arrest authority on the property they are hired to protect. A registered armed security officer of a private security business while at a location which the business is contracted to protect shall have the power to effect an arrest for an offense occurring (i) in his presence on such premises or (ii) in the presence of a merchant, agent, or employee of the merchant the private security business has contracted to protect if the merchant, agent, or employee had probable cause to believe that the person arrested had shoplifted or committed willful concealment of goods as contemplated by § 18.2-106. For the purposes of § 19.2-74, a registered armed security officer of a private security services business shall be considered an arresting officer.
A contract armed security officer can write, and issue summonses for class 1 and 2 misdemeanors committed in their presence while on the property they are hired to protect. It also falls on the private security company and client to decide whether they want their armed personnel to write uniform summonses. Liability issues come into play.
A contract security officer can enforce some laws regarding handicap placard enforcement under Va Code - 46.2-1243, 46.2-1255 -Private Property Only-
Do I have to give my ID to a Security Officer Vs Police Officer?
A contract security officer is not a sworn individual and, therefore, does not need a reason to stop someone within the scope of their duties on private property. On private property, a person's bill of rights is limited when dealing with private security personnel versus a police officer in a public setting where a police officer would need probable cause to ID you in public. A security officer does not require any reason to ID someone on the property they are hired to protect. It also depends on the client and the security company/client's SOP on said property. Each client has their own set of rules regarding identifying people on their property.